TL;DR: CCK-7, the 7th of our new series of meetings for computational chemists, cheminformaticians, and molecular modelers, is on Thursday, March 16th, 2017, at 5 pm in the Abbot’s Kitchen, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QR. Free tickets are available.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Please join us for our next “Comp Chem Kitchen”, CCK-7, at 5-6 pm on Thursday, March 16th, 2017, in the Abbot’s Kitchen, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, South Parks Road, Oxford. We are really pleased to announce Prof. Val Gillet, Professor of Cheminformatics at the Information School, University of Sheffield UK, will be speaking:
- Prof. Val Gillet (Information School, University of Sheffield): “From spectral clustering to spectral geometry: applications in chemoinformatics“. The talk will focus on two distinct but related projects. The first describes the development of spectral clustering for large datasets of up to 100K compounds. One of the main advantages of spectral clustering over more conventional methods is that it permits overlapping clusters, whereby a molecule may belong to more than one cluster. It is also straight-forward to implement clustering with an asymmetric similarity index such as the Tversky index which offers some advantages for the clustering of molecular fragments. We also describe the development of a method for alignment-independent molecular shape comparison based on spectral geometry techniques and present preliminary results for this approach.
Lightning Talks:
- Max Pillong (Novartis, Basel) “HSM: A novel peptide descriptor and its application to in silico peptide design“
- Dr Anthony Bradley (Project Leader – OxXChem at University of Oxford): “Hands-on: introduction to Git“.
- Susan Leung (OPIG, University of Oxford): “Hands-on: Using Pandas with RDKit“.
Get in touch if you would like to give a 5 minute talk at a future CCK on your latest research or give a quick demo your latest programming project, or even to nominate someone (students, postdocs, professionals, PIs, Emeritus Professors). The talks usually resemble one of the following styles:
- an overview of computational chemistry in your research;
- a (live!) demonstration of some software that you are developing or using; or
- a summary of a computational chemistry paper, method, programming language, or tool that you’ve seen recently.
Refreshments will be provided, including beer.
We would like to thank the University of Oxford MPLS Network and Interdisciplinary Fund for making CCK possible.
About CCK
Comp Chem Kitchen is a regular forum and seminar series to hear about and discuss computational methods for tackling problems in chemistry, biochemistry and drug discovery. It focuses principally on cheminformatics, computational chemistry, and molecular modelling, and overlaps with neighboring areas such as materials properties and bioinformatics.
We’re keen to encourage people involved in coding and methods development (i.e. hackers, in the original untarnished sense of the word) to join us. Our hope is that we will share best practices, even code snippets and software tools, and avoid re-inventing wheels.
In addition to local researchers, we invite speakers from industry and non-profits from time to time, and occasionally organize software demos and tutorials.
If you’re interested in giving a talk, here are some possible topics:
- Software development (e.g.: Python, C, C++, CUDA, shell, Matlab);
- Optimizing force field parameters & EVB models;
- Cheminformatics (e.g.: RDKit);
- X-ray and NMR crystallography, including small molecule and macromolecular;
- Protein & RNA modeling, including Molecular Dynamics;
- Virtual screening and Docking;
- Machine Learning;
- Quantum Methods, including DFT.
Bring your laptops, by the way, if you have something you’d like to show!
Want to speak? Ideas for speakers?
* If you have ideas for speakers, or would like to give a talk, let us know. We also invite lightning talks of 5 minutes (or fewer) from attendees, so if you have some cool code you’ve been working on and would like to demo, bring your laptop, smartphone, tablet, (wearable?) and tell us all about it. *
Please pass this message on to friends, colleagues, and students who may be interested too!
The main CCK web site is:
Follow us on Twitter: @CompChemKitchen
See you soon! We’re looking forward to seeing and hearing about the diverse range of computational molecular science that you’re cooking up…
—Garrett, Richard, Phil and Rob
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]