TL;DR: CCK-20: Greg Landrum — the next in our series of meetings for computational chemists, cheminformaticians, and molecular modelers, is on Monday November 20th, 2023, at 5:00 pm GMT in person in the Large Lecture Theatre of the Department of Statistics, 24-29 St Giles’, Oxford, OX1 3LB. Refreshments at 4:30 pm. Attendance is free, and open to all. Register for Zoom (100 online attendees max).
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The next Comp Chem Kitchen, CCK-20, is on Monday, November 20th, 2023, at 5-6 pm GMT. We’re delighted to announce Dr Greg Landrum from ETH Zürich will be speaking. We will be in the Large Lecture Theatre on the Lower Ground floor of the Department of Statistics, 24-29 St Giles’. Join us early for refreshments—including beer—from ~4:30 pm, in the Ground Floor Social Area in Stats. Attendance is free and open to all.
We will also be broadcasting on Zoom, but you must register for Zoom first—and there are only 100 spaces on Zoom.
5 pm: Dr Greg Landrum: “Please stop combining data from different IC50 assays”.

Greg is the lead developer of the widely-used open source cheminformatics API, RDKit. Greg is a Senior Scientist at ETH Zürich, Switzerland; and Founder and Managing Director of T5 Informatics GmbH. Greg has been a Senior Advisor to KNIME since 2019. Greg was a Principal Investigator at the Konstanz Research School for Chemical Biology from 2014-2020; and Global Head of Chemical Information Systems for Novartis (2011-2016).
Partially supported by CECAM: